Grit Walther

RWTH Aachen (Operations Management)


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                    [ID] => 47119
                    [post_author] => 974
                    [post_date] => 2024-03-19 11:05:50
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2024-03-19 11:05:50
                    [post_content] => Green hydrogen emerges as a promising solution to the intermittency of renewable energy resources, offering storage and transport capabilities essential for a sustainable energy future. However, establishing a viable supply chain poses challenges due to high conversion costs and logistical complexities. Hence, considering the cost dynamics of the entire supply chain is crucial to derive effective strategies and policies. Also, international collaboration is deemed necessary to bridge the gap between regional supply and projected demand. Hence, the paper investigates the green hydrogen’s potentials as an energy carrier, addressing the challenges and opportunities in terms of production, trade, and utilization from an interdisciplinary perspective. Herein, the analyses focus on the potential hydrogen route from the Gulf region (the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) to Europe (Germany) as an illustrative case study.

The study emphasizes the importance of factoring in uncertainties, externalities, technological advancements, and transportation while assessing the economic viability of the potential value chain and trading route. Additionally, location strategies, product selection, competitiveness, and geopolitical factors all play significant roles in shaping the green hydrogen market. For potential exporters like Saudi Arabia, addressing these strategic aspects is essential to capitalize on their renewable energy potentials and establish themselves as key players. The discussion also delves into the perspectives of exporters (e.g. KSA) and importers (e.g. Germany), revealing key considerations for each party and suggesting appropriate strategies to mitigate risks and uncertainties.
                    [post_title] => MENA region as a potential hydrogen supplier for the European market: analysing a prospective route between Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Germany
                    [post_excerpt] => 
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                    [post_name] => mena-region-as-a-potential-hydrogen-supplier-for-the-european-market-analysing-a-prospective-route-between-kingdom-of-saudi-arabia-and-germany
                    [to_ping] => 
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                    [post_modified] => 2024-03-19 11:05:50
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-03-19 11:05:50
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            [1] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 46474
                    [post_author] => 974
                    [post_date] => 2023-08-25 11:58:11
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2023-08-25 10:58:11
                    [post_content] => Reaching carbon neutrality necessitates radical changes in terms of energy sources and industrial technologies. Some industries such as cement and lime emit significant amounts of process emissions, which will continue to be generated regardless of the type of energy source employed. One way to address such ‘hard-to-abate’ emissions is by employing carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies. Novel technologies such as CCUS undergoes continuous innovation before reaching high technological maturity and their commercial potential. To that extent, research and pilot projects represent an effective technology-push tool to minimize relevant uncertainties, risks and costs and increase the technology’s readiness level. In recent years, different CCUS demonstration projects have been implemented and financed differently. This study investigates the role of these projects in the future deployment of CCUS technologies, with focus on the European cement sector specifically. Overall, the paper aims to evaluate the status quo of decarbonization of the cement sector via CCUS and to discuss the required future activities and measures to enhance the technology’s integration into the sector.
                    [post_title] => Analyzing current carbon capture, utilization and  storage (CCUS) research and pilot projects in the  European cement sector
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                    [post_name] => analyzing-current-carbon-capture-utilization-and-storage-ccus-research-and-pilot-projects-in-the-european-cement-sector
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                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-08-25 10:58:11
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            [2] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 44933
                    [post_author] => 111
                    [post_date] => 2022-05-25 09:55:14
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2022-05-25 08:55:14
                    [post_content] => The cement industry is responsible for seven per cent of global industrial greenhouse gas emissions. Despite all the environmental techniques adopted by the industry, clinker production is, and will be, associated with significant amounts of CO2 emissions due to the calcination process. In contrast to other energy-intensive industries, emissions caused by fuel consumption do not constitute the major part in total emissions. Because of this, carbon capture and utilization/storage (CCUS) is essential to mitigate such hard-to-abate industrial emissions.

The paper discusses the role of CCUS in decarbonizing the cement industry by means of analyzing prospective supply chains, the different options that cement producers will have to mitigate their emissions and their techno-economic requirements, advantages, drawbacks, boundaries and challenges. Some of these themes are generally applicable, while others are regional and can be linked to the geographical features of a certain location. By way of illustration, the paper addresses these topics while providing a case study from the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).
                    [post_title] => The role of CCUS in decarbonizing the cement industry: A German case study
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                    [post_name] => the-role-of-ccus-in-decarbonizing-the-cement-industry-a-german-case-study
                    [to_ping] => 
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                    [post_modified] => 2022-08-08 11:56:16
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2022-08-08 10:56:16
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            [ID] => 47119
            [post_author] => 974
            [post_date] => 2024-03-19 11:05:50
            [post_date_gmt] => 2024-03-19 11:05:50
            [post_content] => Green hydrogen emerges as a promising solution to the intermittency of renewable energy resources, offering storage and transport capabilities essential for a sustainable energy future. However, establishing a viable supply chain poses challenges due to high conversion costs and logistical complexities. Hence, considering the cost dynamics of the entire supply chain is crucial to derive effective strategies and policies. Also, international collaboration is deemed necessary to bridge the gap between regional supply and projected demand. Hence, the paper investigates the green hydrogen’s potentials as an energy carrier, addressing the challenges and opportunities in terms of production, trade, and utilization from an interdisciplinary perspective. Herein, the analyses focus on the potential hydrogen route from the Gulf region (the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) to Europe (Germany) as an illustrative case study.

The study emphasizes the importance of factoring in uncertainties, externalities, technological advancements, and transportation while assessing the economic viability of the potential value chain and trading route. Additionally, location strategies, product selection, competitiveness, and geopolitical factors all play significant roles in shaping the green hydrogen market. For potential exporters like Saudi Arabia, addressing these strategic aspects is essential to capitalize on their renewable energy potentials and establish themselves as key players. The discussion also delves into the perspectives of exporters (e.g. KSA) and importers (e.g. Germany), revealing key considerations for each party and suggesting appropriate strategies to mitigate risks and uncertainties.
            [post_title] => MENA region as a potential hydrogen supplier for the European market: analysing a prospective route between Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Germany
            [post_excerpt] => 
            [post_status] => publish
            [comment_status] => closed
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            [post_password] => 
            [post_name] => mena-region-as-a-potential-hydrogen-supplier-for-the-european-market-analysing-a-prospective-route-between-kingdom-of-saudi-arabia-and-germany
            [to_ping] => 
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            [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-03-19 11:05:50
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Latest Publications by Grit Walther